2649 poze   117150 vizite

sweeter sweeter is your smile

ﮩIf I can give an athlete one pi̲e̲c̲e̲ o̲f̲ a̲d̲v̲i̲c̲e̲       ˒♥︎ ͜ℳọṇạc̣ọGrandPrix༨26ᵗ̣ʰ̣♥ოay. ⸻ ‘The grandstands he
it’d be to find a ṛịṿạḷ. Someone committed       saw built as a kid growing up, now rise for him, and for the
to taking you down.    They should scare       first time in 93 years, this fabled race is won by one of their
you;  into ─starting early and staying late.        own.    ̼ℭharles ℒeclerc wins the ℳọṇạc̣ọ Grand Prix to
    They might be far away or across town.        achieve his dream!’       ‒‒‒‒‒‒2̲0̲2̲4ᶠ¹S̲e̲a̲s̲o̲n̲‒‒‒‒‒‒
   They might be f̣ạṃịḷỵ but they should         ˒♥︎ ͜ ℑṭạḷịạṇGrandPrix༨1ˢ̣ᵗ̣♥⳽ep. ⸻ ‘These are magical mo-
make you ọḅṣẹṣṣẹḍ.   ⇀Like this time it’s       ments at ℳọṇẓạ! This did not seem possible when Charles
personal obsessed.  And they’ll bring you        started 4ᵗ̣ʰ̣ on the grid but it will be a season of H O M E
pa̲i̲n̲ and f̲r̲u̲s̲t̲r̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲. You will hate them but        victories for Charles Leclerc. The man from M̲O̲N̲A̲C̲O̲ `♡´
  then you’ll ṛẹṣp̣ẹc̣ṭ them and LOVE them.        is the man for M̲O̲N̲Z̲A̲! ⧼⧽ The tifosi are roaring him home
ﮩ Because that rival who wants to take you        and for the second time in his career, .ᐟCharles Leclerc is
      down is going to make you                 is the winner of the ℑtalian Grand Prix.’
     r̲a̲i̲s̲e̲ yo̲u̲r̲ ga̲m̲e̲ even ḤỊG̣ḤẸṚ!             ˒♥︎ ͜ UṢGrandPrix༨20ᵗ̣ʰ̣♥σct. ⸻ ‘It will not be enough. It
ṛịṿạḷᵎ /rī′vəl/ — a person or thing competing        was all about M̶̶a̶x̶ ̶̶w̶̶i̶̶t̶̶h̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶S̶̶p̶̶r̶̶i̶̶n̶̶t̶̶. L̶̶a̶̶n̶̶d̶̶o̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶o̶̶o̶̶k̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶p̶̶o̶̶l̶̶e. But
 with another for the same objective or for       Sunday is all about Charles. Another  masterclass from
 superiority in the same field of activity.           ℱẹṛṛạṛị’ṣ f̲a̲v̲o̲u̲r̲i̲t̲e̲ s̲o̲n̲. ̼♡ Charles wins the ỤṢ Grand Prix.’
Ⲋc̣ụḍẹṛịạﮩℱẹṛṛạṛị ˒♥︎˓ Formula One Teamᵎ
Ⲋc̣ụḍẹṛịạﮩℱẹṛṛạṛị ˒♥︎˓ Formula One Teamᵎ
‹Charles ℳạṛc̣ Hervé Ⳏẹṛc̣ẹṿạḷ Leclerc›
‹Charles ℳạṛc̣ Hervé Ⳏẹṛc̣ẹṿạḷ Leclerc›
         ᙖạṣẹḍ ịṇ: ¹⁹⁵⁰ℳaranello, ℑtaly.
         ᙖạṣẹḍ ịṇ: ¹⁹⁵⁰ℳaranello, ℑtaly.
„Mamma mia!     .̷̸This season has been
„Mamma mia!     .̷̸This season has been
a heart attack— between highs and lows;
a heart attack— between highs and lows;
⫘        But the highs are so beautiful!”
⫘       But the highs are so beautiful!”
ᯓ★.ᐟ   ℳonte ℭarlo, ℳonaco.
ᯓ★.ᐟ   ℳonte ℭarlo, ℳonaco.
           ˒♥︎ ؂Drivers become ḷẹg̣ẹṇḍṣ
           ˒♥︎ ؂Drivers become ḷẹg̣ẹṇḍṣ
when they win with ꊰẹṛṛạṛị.ᐟ ♥︎˓         
when they win with ꊰẹṛṛạṛị.ᐟ ♥︎˓         
LEC¹⁶ ── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ I am only happy if I win;
LEC¹⁶ ── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ I am only happy if I win;
second place is not my goal.⸻⸻
second place is not my goal.⸻⸻
We paint the town ṚẸḌ! ♡⃞  ℳonza, ℑtaly
We paint the town ṚẸḌ! ♡⃞  ℳonza, ℑtaly

Comentarii album • 4
Freedomx3 5 martie 2025  
i need a moment please. doamne ce album superb!!!!!! hai cu wdc in 2025!!!! (zic asta din 2018. da. chiar de cand era la sauber. a girl can dream!!!!)
QueenCyrusx 5 martie 2025  
mulțumescc!♥♥♥ Am toată încrederea că anul ăsta este posibil un wdc~ Trebuie, este necesar!
Emptiness 4 februarie 2025  
i'm speechless.. o spun pentru a mia oară, dar oricum ți-am zis că o s-o fac de câte ori am ocazia! atât de superbă descrierea, atât de superbe pozele și edit ul lor.. pur și simplu iubesc tot ceea ce faci aici pe sun♥♥♥ ești minunată
QueenCyrusx 4 februarie 2025  
îți mulțumesc din suflet, înseamnă enorm pentru mine!:(( tu ești minunată!!!♥
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